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Solaris Display Driver – x64/x86

Versione: 530.41.03
Fecha de publicación: 2023.3.23
Sistema operativo: Solaris x86/x64
Idioma: Español (España)
Tamaño: 181.28 MB

Aspectos destacados de la versión
Productos soportados
Más informacion
  • Added an application profile to avoid performance problems in Xfce 4 when the OpenGL compositor backend is enabled along with G-SYNC.
  • Added support for suspend and resume when using GSP firmware.
  • Moved the nvidia-settings application icon into the 'hicolor' icon theme, which allows it to be customized by other icon themes selected in the desktop environment.
  • Changed the behavior of glXGetRefreshRateSGI() for non-integer refresh rates to round to the nearest whole number rather than truncating.
  • Added NV-CONTROL attributes NV_CTRL_FRAMELOCK_MULTIPLY_DIVIDE_MODE and NV_CTRL_FRAMELOCK_MULTIPLY_DIVIDE_VALUE to allow syncing a Quadro Sync II card to different House Sync signal rates. This feature requires firmware version 2.18 or later; to download the latest firmware version, please visit:
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the nvidia-settings control panel to crash when resetting the display layout.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause excessive GPU power consumption at idle when driving multiple displays with a high refresh rate.
